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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Everyone ready to hit the sales this weekend? Are you prepared for the crowds and mayhem of crazy shoppers?

Why not just stay at home and start your "Cyber Monday" early. Come on over to my Etsy shop on "Black Friday" (and all weekend long through Monday 11/28 10pm PST) and you can shop.  There is no need to get up early or fight any crowds.

Starting Friday 11/26 at 8am (PST) you can use this Coupon Code: BLACKCYBERSAVE and you can save 10% off your order. You will also receive 1 free raffle entry for each item you purchase. The winner will be drawn on 11/29 and will get to choose from the following prize packages below.

(pictures have been removed) (see referral giveaway for reference)
Make sure to tell all your friends about this great promotion and you might just win a second prize.  See blog Giveaway: Referral for details.

Special note: For all local friends who wish to purchase, shipping charges will be waived if you are willing to pick up your purchase. Just contact me before you pay for you purchase (this is not a cyber special it is my standard practice). 

Happy Crafting (and Shopping)!


  1. For all you happy shoppers the coupon code is active. Happy Shopping!

  2. No orders came in this holiday weekend so no prize will be given. There is still a chance to win with the referral giveaway. Good luck.
